Many problems, many solutions: One ASP.NET

Автор: Хансельман Скотт
Опубликована: 05.06.2012
Interesting new solutions to internet problems continue to emerge. Realtime, Web APIs, Mobile, Gmail-style apps in a single page, and hybrids are the norm. Time to abandon .NET? Let's look at what ASP.NET brings to the New Web. .NET is unquestionably and demonstrably able to scale to monster heights, but can it compete in a realtime and javascript heavy world? How will your ASP.NET applications change and what about your existing stuff? Join Scott Hanselman as he breaks down the technologies that you the ASP.NET developer has in your toolbox and how to solve today's problems while still having fun and not selling your soul. We’ll look at The Next Version of Visual Studio, ASP.NET MVC4, MvcScaffolding, Entity Framework Code First (Magic Unicorn Edition), Mobile Development, HTML5, NuGet, jQuery, SignalR and lots, lots more.
